警告:这个软件包来自于 experimental 发行版。这表示它很有可能表现出不稳定或者出现 bug ,甚至是导致资料损失。请务必在使用之前查阅 changelog 以及其他潜在的文档。
Multi Dimension Data structure library -- documentation
A collection of multi-dimensional data structure and indexing algorithm.
This is a C++ library, and is a collection of various data structures designed to efficiently store and query multi-dimensional data for various filtering criteria. Different structures are optimized for different query needs.
This library is a source-code only library. It’s designed to be header-only meaning that the user program does not need to link to any additional shared library in order to use these data structures. The data structures are all available as C++ templates.
This package contains the API documentation for mdds.