[ Paquet source : npm ]
Paquet : npm (7.5.2+ds-2)
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package manager for Node.js
Node.js is an event-based server-side javascript engine.
npm is the package manager for the Node JavaScript platform. It puts modules in place so that node can find them, and manages dependency conflicts intelligently.
It is extremely configurable to support a wide variety of use cases. Most commonly, it is used to publish, discover, install, and develop node programs.
Autres paquets associés à npm
- dep: ca-certificates
- certificats CA courants
- dep: node-abbrev (>= 1.1.1~)
- obtention d’abréviations uniques pour un ensemble de chaines – module de Node.js
- dep: node-agent-base
- Turn a function into an http.Agent instance
- dep: node-ajv
- another JSON Schema Validator
- dep: node-ansi
- Advanced ANSI formatting tool for Node.js
- dep: node-ansi-regex (>= 3.0~)
- regular expression for matching ANSI escape codes
- dep: node-ansi-styles
- codes d’échappement ANSI pour modifier le style des chaines dans un terminal avec Node.js
- dep: node-ansistyles
- prints output in different styles
- dep: node-aproba
- light-weight argument validator
- dep: node-archy (>= 1.0~)
- Pretty-print nested hierarchies module for Node.js
- dep: node-are-we-there-yet
- Keep track of the overall completion of many disparate processes
- dep: node-asap
- High-priority task queue for Node.js and browsers
- dep: node-asn1
- ASN.1 encoder and decoder (BER)
- dep: node-assert-plus
- petite enveloppe pour le module assert de node.js avec deux fonctions supplémentaires
- dep: node-asynckit
- bibliothèque minimaliste d’utilitaires de travaux asynchrones avec prise en charge des flux
- dep: node-aws-sign2
- AWS signing in JavaScript
- dep: node-aws4
- Signs and prepares requests using AWS Signature Version 4
- dep: node-balanced-match
- Match balanced character pairs in Node.js
- dep: node-bcrypt-pbkdf
- portage de la fonction d’OpenBSD, bcrypt_pbkdf, en JavaScript pur
- dep: node-brace-expansion
- Brace expansion as known from sh/bash for Node.js
- dep: node-builtins
- lists nodejs builtin modules
- dep: node-cacache (>= 15)
- fast, fault-tolerant, disk-based, data-agnostic, content-addressable cache
- dep: node-caseless
- get/set/check for HTTP headers in a caseless manner
- dep: node-chalk
- stylisation de chaînes de terminal pour Node.js
- dep: node-chownr
- like chown -R
- dep: node-clone
- clonage intégral d’objets et de tableaux
- dep: node-color-convert
- Plain color conversion functions
- dep: node-color-name
- list of color names and its values
- dep: node-colors
- obtention de couleurs et de style dans une console node.js
- dep: node-columnify
- Render data in text columns with in-column text-wrap
- dep: node-combined-stream
- ajout de flux l’un après l’autre – module pour Node.js
- dep: node-concat-map
- concatenative mapdashery for Node.js
- dep: node-console-control-strings
- cross-platform tested terminal/console command strings
- dep: node-core-util-is
- util.is* functions introduced in Node v0.12 for older versions
- dep: node-dashdash
- bibliothèque d’analyse d’option, légère, explicite et pleine de fonctionnalités
- dep: node-debug
- small debugging utility for Node.js
- dep: node-defaults
- merge single level defaults over a config object
- dep: node-delayed-stream
- mise en tampon d’évènements de flux pour une gestion ultérieure – module pour Node.js
- dep: node-delegates
- delegate methods and accessors to another property
- dep: node-depd
- mark a function or property as deprecated - Node.js module
- dep: node-ecc-jsbn
- ECC JS code based on JSBN
- dep: node-encoding
- Convert encodings, uses iconv by default and fallbacks to iconv-lite if needed
- dep: node-err-code
- création d’erreur munie d’un code
- dep: node-extend
- portage de jQuery.extend pour Node.js
- dep: node-extsprintf
- extended POSIX-style sprintf
- dep: node-fast-deep-equal
- Fast Deep Equal
- dep: node-forever-agent
- HTTP agent supporting keep-alive requests - module for Node.js
- dep: node-form-data
- Create multipart/form-data streams module for Node.js
- dep: node-fs.realpath
- Use node's fs.realpath
- dep: node-function-bind
- implémentation de Function.prototype.bind
- dep: node-gauge
- terminal based horizontal progress bar
- dep: node-getpass
- obtenir un mot de passe à partir du terminal
- dep: node-glob (>= 7.1.2~)
- glob functionality for Node.js
- dep: node-graceful-fs (>= 4.1.11~)
- remplaçant tout prêt améliorant le module fs de Node.js
- dep: node-gyp (>= 3.6.2~)
- Native addon build tool for Node.js
- dep: node-har-schema
- JSON Schema for HTTP Archive (HAR)
- dep: node-har-validator
- Extremely fast HTTP Archive (HAR) validator using JSON Schema
- dep: node-has-flag
- check if argv has a specific flag
- dep: node-http-signature
- Reference implementation of Joyent's HTTP Signature scheme
- dep: node-https-proxy-agent
- HTTP(s) proxy http.Agent implementation for HTTPS
- dep: node-iconv-lite
- conversion d’encodage de caractères en JavaScript pur
- dep: node-imurmurhash
- incremental implementation of MurmurHash3 hashing algorithm
- dep: node-indent-string
- indentation de chaque ligne d’une chaine
- dep: node-inflight
- add callbacks to requests in flight to avoid async duplication
- dep: node-inherits (>= 2.0.3~)
- Node.js module that exposes inherits function
- dep: node-ini (>= 1.3.5~)
- analyseur et sérialiseur au format ini pour Node.js
- dep: node-ip
- IP address utilities for node.js
- dep: node-ip-regex
- Regular expression for matching IP addresses
- dep: node-is-typedarray
- bibliothèque de Node.js vérifiant si un objet est de type array
- dep: node-isarray
- JavaScript Array#isArray for older browsers
- dep: node-isexe
- minimal module to check if a file is executable
- dep: node-isstream
- Determine if an object is a Stream
- dep: node-jsbn
- fast, portable implementation of large-number math in pure JS
- dep: node-json-parse-better-errors (>= 1.0.2+~)
- JSON.parse() with context information on error
- dep: node-json-schema
- validation et spécifications de JSON Schema
- dep: node-json-schema-traverse
- Json schema traversal package
- dep: node-json-stable-stringify
- deterministic JSON.stringify()
- dep: node-json-stringify-safe
- JSON.stringify with circular references module for Node.js
- dep: node-jsonparse
- bibliothèque de diffusion JSON en JavaScript pur pour Node.js
- dep: node-jsonstream (>= 1.3.2~)
- diffusion de JSON.parse et sérialiser
- dep: node-jsprim
- utilities for primitive JavaScript types
- dep: node-leven
- library to measure the difference between two strings
- dep: node-lockfile (>= 1.0.3~)
- Asynchronous file lock module for Node.js
- dep: node-mime
- bibliothèque de Node.js pour le mappage de types MIME
- dep: node-mime-types
- utilitaire suprême de type de contenu JavaScript – module Node.js
- dep: node-minimatch
- conversion d’expressions glob en objets RegExp pour Node.js
- dep: node-mkdirp (>= 1)
- Recursively create directories - Node.js module
- dep: node-ms
- milliseconds conversion utility - Node.js module
- dep: node-mute-stream
- Pass-through stream that can be muted module for Node.js
- dep: node-nopt
- Command-line option parser for Node.js
- dep: node-normalize-package-data (>= 2.4~)
- normalisation de métadonnées de paquet – module de.js
- dep: node-npm-bundled
- Parses info on bundled dependencies
- dep: node-npm-package-arg (>= 6.1.1)
- Parse the things that can be arguments to npm install
- dep: node-npmlog (>= 4.1.2~)
- Logger with custom levels and colored output for Node.js
- dep: node-number-is-nan
- ES6 Number.isNaN() ponyfill
- dep: node-oauth-sign
- module pour une signature OAuth 1 pour Node.js
- dep: node-object-assign
- ES2015 Object.assign() ponyfill
- dep: node-opener
- Opens stuff, like webpages and files and executables
- dep: node-p-map
- Map over promises concurrently
- dep: node-path-is-absolute
- ponyfill path.isAbsolute() pour Node.js 0.12
- dep: node-performance-now
- Implements performance.now (based on process.hrtime)
- dep: node-process-nextick-args
- process.nextTick but always with args
- dep: node-promise-retry
- Retries a function that returns a promise
- dep: node-promzard
- Promzard provides a prompting json wizard
- dep: node-psl
- analyseur de noms de domaine pour Node.js basé sur la « Public Suffix List »
- dep: node-puka
- Safely pass strings through shells - Node.js module
- dep: node-punycode
- convertisseur Punycode fiable de Node.js entièrement conforme à la RFC
- dep: node-qs
- Parse, stringify query strings for Node.js
- dep: node-read (>= 1.0.7~)
- Read user input from stdin module for Node.js
- dep: node-read-package-json (>= 2.0.13~)
- Read package.json for npm module for Node.js
- dep: node-readable-stream
- stream compatibility library for Node.js and browser
- dep: node-resolve
- algorithme synchrone ou asynchrone require.resolve()
- dep: node-resolve-from (>= 4.0~)
- Resolve the path of a module from a given path
- dep: node-retry (>= 0.10.1~)
- Retry strategies for failed operations module for Node.js
- dep: node-rimraf (>= 2.6.2~)
- module de suppression profonde (similaire à rm -rf) pour Node.js
- dep: node-safe-buffer (>= 5.2.1+~cs2.1.2)
- Safer Node.js Buffer API
- dep: node-semver (>= 7.3.2~)
- Semantic Versioning for Node.js
- dep: node-set-blocking
- set blocking stdio and stderr
- dep: node-signal-exit
- Fire an event no matter how a process exits
- dep: node-slash
- Node.js library to convert Windows backslash paths to slash paths
- dep: node-spdx-correct
- correction des identificateurs SPDX non valables
- dep: node-spdx-exceptions
- list of SPDX standard license exceptions
- dep: node-spdx-expression-parse
- parse SPDX license expressions
- dep: node-spdx-license-ids
- List of SPDX license identifiers
- dep: node-sshpk
- bibliothèque pour découvrir et utiliser des clés publiques SSH
- dep: node-ssri (>= 8.0.0~)
- Utility for parsing, serializing, generating and verifying ssri metadata
- dep: node-string-decoder
- string_decoder module from Node core for browsers
- dep: node-string-width
- Get the visual width of a string
- dep: node-strip-ansi (>= 4.0~)
- élagage des codes d’échappement ANSI
- dep: node-supports-color
- détection avec Node.js si un terminal prend en charge les couleurs
- dep: node-tar (>= 4.4~)
- read and write portable tar archives module for Node.js
- dep: node-text-table
- borderless text tables with alignment
- dep: node-tunnel-agent
- HTTP proxy tunneling agent module for Node.js
- dep: node-tweetnacl
- Port of TweetNaCl cryptographic library to JavaScript
- dep: node-typedarray-to-buffer
- JavaScript utility converting TypedArray to buffer without copy
- dep: node-uri-js
- bibliothèque d’analyse, de validation et de résolution d’URI/IRI
- dep: node-util-deprecate
- Node.js's `util.deprecate()` function with browser support
- dep: node-uuid
- création simple et rapide d’UUID selon la RFC 4122 – module pour Node.js
- dep: node-validate-npm-package-name
- Checks if a string is a valid npm package name
- dep: node-verror
- rich JavaScript errors
- dep: node-wcwidth.js
- wcwidth.js, portage en JavaScript du wcwidth() de C
- dep: node-which (>= 1.3~)
- Cross-platform 'which' module for Node.js
- dep: node-wide-align
- Wide-character aware text alignment function
- dep: node-wrappy
- Callback wrapping utility
- dep: node-write-file-atomic
- écriture de fichiers d’une façon atomique et propriétaire configurable pour l’écriture
- dep: node-yallist
- Double linked list implementation for Node.js
- dep: nodejs (>= 10)
- E/S par événement pour le moteur JavaScript V8
- rec: git
- système de gestion de versions distribué, rapide et évolutif
Télécharger npm
Architecture | Taille du paquet | Espace occupé une fois installé | Fichiers |
all | 781,8 ko | 2 440,0 ko | [liste des fichiers] |