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Source Package: sphinx (7.3.7-2)

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Kokeellinen paketti

Varoitus: Tämä paketti on kokeellisesta jakelusta. Tämä tarkoittaa, että se on luultavasti epävakaa tai buginen, ja voi aiheuttaa jopa tiedonhäviötä. Kannattaa ehdottomasti tutustua muutoslokiin ja muihin mahdollisiin ohjeisiin ennen käyttöönottoa.

Seuraavat binääripaketit on käännetty tästä lähdepaketista:
JavaScript support for Sphinx documentation
documentation generator for Python projects
documentation generator for Python projects - common data
documentation generator for Python projects - documentation

Muut pakettiin sphinx liittyvät paketit

  • build-depends
  • build-depends-indep
  • adep: debhelper-compat (= 13)
    Paketti ei saatavilla
  • idep: cython3
    C-Extensions for Python 3
  • idep: dh-python (>= 3.20180313~)
    Debian helper tools for packaging Python libraries and applications
  • idep: dpkg-dev (>= 1.17.14)
    Debian package development tools
  • idep: dvipng
    convert DVI files to PNG graphics
  • idep: dvisvgm
    DVI to SVG converter
  • idep: flit (>= 3.7)
    simple way to put Python packages and modules on PyPI (PEP 517)
  • idep: fonts-freefont-otf
    Freefont Serif, Sans and Mono OpenType fonts
  • idep: graphviz
    rich set of graph drawing tools
  • idep: imagemagick-6.q16
    image manipulation programs -- quantum depth Q16
  • idep: libjs-jquery (>= 1.4)
    JavaScript library for dynamic web applications
  • idep: libjs-underscore
    JavaScript's functional programming helper library
  • idep: libjson-perl
    module for manipulating JSON-formatted data
  • idep: librsvg2-bin
    command-line utility to convert SVG files
  • idep: perl
    Larry Wallin kieli tekstitiedostojen analysointia ja raportointia varten
  • idep: pybuild-plugin-pyproject
    Debian helper tools for packaging Python libraries using PEP517
  • idep: python-requests-doc
    elegant and simple HTTP library for Python (Documentation)
  • idep: python3-alabaster (>= 0.7.14)
    Configurable sidebar-enabled Sphinx theme (Python 3)
  • idep: python3-all (>= 3.3.3-1~)
    package depending on all supported Python 3 runtime versions
  • idep: python3-all-dev
    package depending on all supported Python 3 development packages
  • idep: python3-babel (>= 1.3)
    tools for internationalizing Python applications - Python 3.x
  • idep: python3-defusedxml
    XML bomb protection for Python stdlib modules (for Python 3)
  • idep: python3-doc
    documentation for the high-level object-oriented language Python 3
  • idep: python3-docutils (>= 0.18.1)
    text processing system for reStructuredText (implemented in Python 3)
  • idep: python3-filelock
    platform independent file locking module
  • idep: python3-html5lib
    HTML parser/tokenizer based on the WHATWG HTML5 specification
  • idep: python3-imagesize
    Python module for getting image size or DPI
  • idep: python3-jinja2 (>= 2.3)
    small but fast and easy to use stand-alone template engine
  • idep: python3-lib2to3
    Interactive high-level object-oriented language (lib2to3)
  • idep: python3-packaging
    core utilities for python3 packages
  • idep: python3-pygments (>= 2.14)
    syntax highlighting package written in Python 3
  • idep: python3-pytest
    Simple, powerful testing in Python3
  • idep: python3-requests (>= 2.25.0)
    elegant and simple HTTP library for Python3, built for human beings
  • idep: python3-setuptools
    Python3 Distutils Enhancements
  • idep: python3-snowballstemmer (>= 1.1)
    Pure Python Snowball stemming library
  • idep: python3-sphinxcontrib.websupport
    API to integrate Sphinx documentation into Web applications (Python 3)
  • idep: tex-gyre
    scalable PostScript and OpenType fonts based on URW Fonts
  • idep: texinfo
    Sähköisen tiedon ja tulosteiden dokumentointijärjestelmä
  • idep: texlive-fonts-recommended
    TeX Live: Recommended fonts
  • idep: texlive-latex-extra
    TeX Live: LaTeX additional packages
  • idep: texlive-latex-recommended
    TeX Live: LaTeX recommended packages
  • idep: texlive-luatex
    TeX Live: LuaTeX packages
  • idep: texlive-xetex
    TeX Live: XeTeX and packages

Download sphinx

TiedostoKoko (kt)MD5-tarkiste
sphinx_7.3.7-2.dsc 3.4 kt c8b979ee474fa8788989480f0a0e1724
sphinx_7.3.7.orig.tar.gz 6,928.5 kt 4c4f1e3e6a456a64712ff406680338ab
sphinx_7.3.7-2.debian.tar.xz 35.3 kt 4ebafda562d630132a91e680c15b99df
Debian Package Source Repository (VCS: Git)
Debian Package Source Repository (Browsable)