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Source Package: gdal (3.9.3~rc1+dfsg-1~exp1)

Links for gdal



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Kokeellinen paketti

Varoitus: Tämä paketti on kokeellisesta jakelusta. Tämä tarkoittaa, että se on luultavasti epävakaa tai buginen, ja voi aiheuttaa jopa tiedonhäviötä. Kannattaa ehdottomasti tutustua muutoslokiin ja muihin mahdollisiin ohjeisiin ennen käyttöönottoa.

Seuraavat binääripaketit on käännetty tästä lähdepaketista:
Geospatial Data Abstraction Library - Utility programs
Geospatial Data Abstraction Library - Data files
Geospatial Data Abstraction Library - Plugins
Geospatial Data Abstraction Library - Development files
Geospatial Data Abstraction Library
Python 3 bindings to the Geospatial Data Abstraction Library

Muut pakettiin gdal liittyvät paketit

  • build-depends
  • build-depends-indep
  • adep: cmake
    Järjestelmäriippumaton, avoimen lähdekoodin make-järjestelmä
  • adep: debhelper-compat (= 13)
    Paketti ei saatavilla
  • adep: dh-python
    Debian helper tools for packaging Python libraries and applications
  • adep: dh-sequence-numpy3
    näennäispaketti, jonka toteuttaa python3-numpy
  • adep: dh-sequence-pkgkde-symbolshelper
    Paketti ei saatavilla
  • adep: dh-sequence-python3
    näennäispaketti, jonka toteuttaa dh-python
  • adep: doxygen
    Generate documentation from source code
  • adep: graphviz
    rich set of graph drawing tools
  • adep: chrpath
    Tool to edit the rpath in ELF binaries
  • adep: bash-completion
    ohjelmoitava täydentäjä bash-komentotulkille
  • adep: libarmadillo-dev
    streamlined C++ linear algebra library - Headers
  • adep: libblosc-dev
    high performance meta-compressor optimized for binary data (development files)
  • adep: libcfitsio-dev
    library for I/O with FITS format data files (development files)
  • adep: libcurl4-gnutls-dev
    development files and documentation for libcurl (GnuTLS flavour)
    tai libcurl-ssl-dev
    Paketti ei saatavilla
  • adep: libdeflate-dev
    headers for whole-buffer compression and decompression library
  • adep: libexpat1-dev
    XML parsing C library - development kit
  • adep: libfreexl-dev (>= 1.0.0)
    library for direct reading of Microsoft Excel spreadsheets - devel
  • adep: libfyba-dev
    Header files for FYBA library
  • adep: libgeos-dev
    Geometry engine for GIS - Development files
  • adep: libgeotiff-dev (>= 1.5.0)
    GeoTIFF (geografic enabled TIFF) library -- development files
  • adep: libgif-dev
    library for GIF images (development)
  • adep: libhdf4-alt-dev
    Hierarchical Data Format development files (without NetCDF)
  • adep: libhdf5-dev (>= 1.8.8)
    HDF5 - development files - serial version
  • adep: libheif-dev
    HEIF and AVIF file format decoder and encoder - development files
  • adep: libjpeg-dev
    Development files for the JPEG library [dummy package]
    myös näennäispaketti, jonka toteuttaa libjpeg62-turbo-dev
  • adep: libjson-c-dev
    JSON manipulation library - development files
  • adep: libkml-dev (>= 1.3.0~rc0-3)
    Library to manipulate KML 2.2 OGC standard files - development files
  • adep: liblz4-dev
    Fast LZ compression algorithm library - development files
  • adep: liblzma-dev
    XZ-format compression library - development files
  • adep: default-libmysqlclient-dev
    MySQL database development files (metapackage)
  • adep: libnetcdf-dev (>= 1:4.0.0)
    creation, access, and sharing of scientific data
  • adep: libogdi-dev
    Open Geographic Datastore Interface Library -- development
  • adep: libopenjp2-7-dev
    development files for OpenJPEG, a JPEG 2000 image library
  • adep: libpcre2-dev
    New Perl Compatible Regular Expression Library - development files
  • adep: libpng-dev
    PNG library - development (version 1.6)
  • adep: libpoppler-private-dev
    PDF rendering library -- private development files
  • adep: libpq-dev
    header files for libpq5 (PostgreSQL library)
  • adep: libproj-dev (>= 6.0.0)
    Cartographic projection library (development files)
  • adep: libqhull-dev
    calculate convex hulls and related structures (development files)
  • adep: libspatialite-dev
    Geospatial extension for SQLite - development files
  • adep: libsqlite3-dev
    SQLite 3 development files
  • adep: libtiff-dev
    Tag Image File Format library (TIFF), development files
  • adep: liburiparser-dev
    development files for uriparser
  • adep: libwebp-dev
    Lossy compression of digital photographic images
  • adep: libxerces-c-dev
    validating XML parser library for C++ (development files)
  • adep: libxml2-dev
    GNOME XML library - development files
  • adep: libzstd-dev
    fast lossless compression algorithm -- development files
  • adep: netcdf-bin
    Programs for reading and writing NetCDF files
  • adep: patch
    Paikkaa alkuperäisen tiedoston paikkaustiedostolla (patch)
  • adep: pkgconf
    manage compile and link flags for libraries
  • adep: pkg-kde-tools
    various packaging tools and scripts for KDE Applications
  • adep: python3-all-dev
    package depending on all supported Python 3 development packages
  • adep: python3-numpy
    Python library for numerical computations (Python 3)
  • adep: python3-setuptools
    Python3 Distutils Enhancements
  • adep: swig
    Generate scripting interfaces to C/C++ code
  • adep: unixodbc-dev (>= 2.2.11)
    ODBC libraries for Unix (development files)
  • adep: zlib1g-dev
    compression library - development

Download gdal

TiedostoKoko (kt)MD5-tarkiste
gdal_3.9.3~rc1+dfsg-1~exp1.dsc 3.2 kt 9d239aa3a88673d8b5320c16ea33afc9
gdal_3.9.3~rc1+dfsg.orig.tar.xz 9,458.0 kt 71878cbe3416192430cd5d7b77062017
gdal_3.9.3~rc1+dfsg-1~exp1.debian.tar.xz 105.0 kt 855a8e18baa1a53985fd4568004dabcb
Debian Package Source Repository (VCS: Git)
https://salsa.debian.org/debian-gis-team/gdal.git -b experimental
Debian Package Source Repository (Browsable)