Package: npm (7.5.2+ds-2)
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package manager for Node.js
Node.js is an event-based server-side javascript engine.
npm is the package manager for the Node JavaScript platform. It puts modules in place so that node can find them, and manages dependency conflicts intelligently.
It is extremely configurable to support a wide variety of use cases. Most commonly, it is used to publish, discover, install, and develop node programs.
Other Packages Related to npm
- dep: ca-certificates
- Common CA certificates
- dep: node-abbrev (>= 1.1.1~)
- Get unique abbreviations for a set of strings - Node.js module
- dep: node-agent-base
- Turn a function into an http.Agent instance
- dep: node-ajv
- another JSON Schema Validator
- dep: node-ansi
- Advanced ANSI formatting tool for Node.js
- dep: node-ansi-regex (>= 3.0~)
- regular expression for matching ANSI escape codes
- dep: node-ansi-styles
- ANSI escape codes for styling strings in the terminal with Node.js
- dep: node-ansistyles
- prints output in different styles
- dep: node-aproba
- light-weight argument validator
- dep: node-archy (>= 1.0~)
- Pretty-print nested hierarchies module for Node.js
- dep: node-are-we-there-yet
- Keep track of the overall completion of many disparate processes
- dep: node-asap
- High-priority task queue for Node.js and browsers
- dep: node-asn1
- ASN.1 encoder and decoder (BER)
- dep: node-assert-plus
- small wrapper over nodejs' assert module with two extra features
- dep: node-asynckit
- Minimal async jobs utility library, with streams support
- dep: node-aws-sign2
- AWS signing in JavaScript
- dep: node-aws4
- Signs and prepares requests using AWS Signature Version 4
- dep: node-balanced-match
- Match balanced character pairs in Node.js
- dep: node-bcrypt-pbkdf
- Port of the OpenBSD bcrypt_pbkdf function to pure JS
- dep: node-brace-expansion
- Brace expansion as known from sh/bash for Node.js
- dep: node-builtins
- lists nodejs builtin modules
- dep: node-cacache (>= 15)
- fast, fault-tolerant, disk-based, data-agnostic, content-addressable cache
- dep: node-caseless
- get/set/check for HTTP headers in a caseless manner
- dep: node-chalk
- Terminal string styling for Node.js
- dep: node-chownr
- like chown -R
- dep: node-clone
- deep cloning of objects and arrays
- dep: node-color-convert
- Plain color conversion functions
- dep: node-color-name
- list of color names and its values
- dep: node-colors
- Get color and style in your node.js console
- dep: node-columnify
- Render data in text columns with in-column text-wrap
- dep: node-combined-stream
- Append streams one after another - module for Node.js
- dep: node-concat-map
- concatenative mapdashery for Node.js
- dep: node-console-control-strings
- cross-platform tested terminal/console command strings
- dep: node-core-util-is
-* functions introduced in Node v0.12 for older versions
- dep: node-dashdash
- light, featureful and explicit option parsing library
- dep: node-debug
- small debugging utility for Node.js
- dep: node-defaults
- merge single level defaults over a config object
- dep: node-delayed-stream
- Buffer stream events for later handling - module for Node.js
- dep: node-delegates
- delegate methods and accessors to another property
- dep: node-depd
- mark a function or property as deprecated - Node.js module
- dep: node-ecc-jsbn
- ECC JS code based on JSBN
- dep: node-encoding
- Convert encodings, uses iconv by default and fallbacks to iconv-lite if needed
- dep: node-err-code
- Create an error with a code
- dep: node-extend
- port of jQuery.extend for Node.js
- dep: node-extsprintf
- extended POSIX-style sprintf
- dep: node-fast-deep-equal
- Fast Deep Equal
- dep: node-forever-agent
- HTTP agent supporting keep-alive requests - module for Node.js
- dep: node-form-data
- Create multipart/form-data streams module for Node.js
- dep: node-fs.realpath
- Use node's fs.realpath
- dep: node-function-bind
- Implementation of Function.prototype.bind
- dep: node-gauge
- terminal based horizontal progress bar
- dep: node-getpass
- get a password from terminal
- dep: node-glob (>= 7.1.2~)
- glob functionality for Node.js
- dep: node-graceful-fs (>= 4.1.11~)
- drop-in replacement improving the Node.js fs module
- dep: node-gyp (>= 3.6.2~)
- Native addon build tool for Node.js
- dep: node-har-schema
- JSON Schema for HTTP Archive (HAR)
- dep: node-har-validator
- Extremely fast HTTP Archive (HAR) validator using JSON Schema
- dep: node-has-flag
- check if argv has a specific flag
- dep: node-http-signature
- Reference implementation of Joyent's HTTP Signature scheme
- dep: node-https-proxy-agent
- HTTP(s) proxy http.Agent implementation for HTTPS
- dep: node-iconv-lite
- Pure JS character encoding conversion
- dep: node-imurmurhash
- incremental implementation of MurmurHash3 hashing algorithm
- dep: node-indent-string
- Indent each line in a string
- dep: node-inflight
- add callbacks to requests in flight to avoid async duplication
- dep: node-inherits (>= 2.0.3~)
- Node.js module that exposes inherits function
- dep: node-ini (>= 1.3.5~)
- ini format parser and serializer for Node.js
- dep: node-ip
- IP address utilities for node.js
- dep: node-ip-regex
- Regular expression for matching IP addresses
- dep: node-is-typedarray
- Nodejs library checking if object is TypedArray
- dep: node-isarray
- JavaScript Array#isArray for older browsers
- dep: node-isexe
- minimal module to check if a file is executable
- dep: node-isstream
- Determine if an object is a Stream
- dep: node-jsbn
- fast, portable implementation of large-number math in pure JS
- dep: node-json-parse-better-errors (>= 1.0.2+~)
- JSON.parse() with context information on error
- dep: node-json-schema
- JSON Schema validation and specifications
- dep: node-json-schema-traverse
- Json schema traversal package
- dep: node-json-stable-stringify
- deterministic JSON.stringify()
- dep: node-json-stringify-safe
- JSON.stringify with circular references module for Node.js
- dep: node-jsonparse
- Pure javascript JSON streaming parser for node.js
- dep: node-jsonstream (>= 1.3.2~)
- streaming JSON.parse and stringify
- dep: node-jsprim
- utilities for primitive JavaScript types
- dep: node-leven
- library to measure the difference between two strings
- dep: node-lockfile (>= 1.0.3~)
- Asynchronous file lock module for Node.js
- dep: node-mime
- library for mime-type mapping for Node.js
- dep: node-mime-types
- ultimate JavaScript content-type utility - Node.js module
- dep: node-minimatch
- Convert glob expressions into RegExp objects for Node.js
- dep: node-mkdirp (>= 1)
- Recursively create directories - Node.js module
- dep: node-ms
- milliseconds conversion utility - Node.js module
- dep: node-mute-stream
- Pass-through stream that can be muted module for Node.js
- dep: node-nopt
- Command-line option parser for Node.js
- dep: node-normalize-package-data (>= 2.4~)
- Normalizes package metadata - Node.js module
- dep: node-npm-bundled
- Parses info on bundled dependencies
- dep: node-npm-package-arg (>= 6.1.1)
- Parse the things that can be arguments to npm install
- dep: node-npmlog (>= 4.1.2~)
- Logger with custom levels and colored output for Node.js
- dep: node-number-is-nan
- ES6 Number.isNaN() ponyfill
- dep: node-oauth-sign
- OAuth 1 signing module for Node.js
- dep: node-object-assign
- ES2015 Object.assign() ponyfill
- dep: node-opener
- Opens stuff, like webpages and files and executables
- dep: node-p-map
- Map over promises concurrently
- dep: node-path-is-absolute
- Node.js 0.12 path.isAbsolute() ponyfill
- dep: node-performance-now
- Implements (based on process.hrtime)
- dep: node-process-nextick-args
- process.nextTick but always with args
- dep: node-promise-retry
- Retries a function that returns a promise
- dep: node-promzard
- Promzard provides a prompting json wizard
- dep: node-psl
- Node.js domain name parser based on the Public Suffix List
- dep: node-puka
- Safely pass strings through shells - Node.js module
- dep: node-punycode
- Nodejs robust Punycode converter fully RFC compliant
- dep: node-qs
- Parse, stringify query strings for Node.js
- dep: node-read (>= 1.0.7~)
- Read user input from stdin module for Node.js
- dep: node-read-package-json (>= 2.0.13~)
- Read package.json for npm module for Node.js
- dep: node-readable-stream
- stream compatibility library for Node.js and browser
- dep: node-resolve
- Synchronous/Asynchronous require.resolve() algorithm
- dep: node-resolve-from (>= 4.0~)
- Resolve the path of a module from a given path
- dep: node-retry (>= 0.10.1~)
- Retry strategies for failed operations module for Node.js
- dep: node-rimraf (>= 2.6.2~)
- Deep deletion (like rm -rf) module for Node.js
- dep: node-safe-buffer (>= 5.2.1+~cs2.1.2)
- Safer Node.js Buffer API
- dep: node-semver (>= 7.3.2~)
- Semantic Versioning for Node.js
- dep: node-set-blocking
- set blocking stdio and stderr
- dep: node-signal-exit
- Fire an event no matter how a process exits
- dep: node-slash
- Node.js library to convert Windows backslash paths to slash paths
- dep: node-spdx-correct
- correct invalid SPDX identifiers
- dep: node-spdx-exceptions
- list of SPDX standard license exceptions
- dep: node-spdx-expression-parse
- parse SPDX license expressions
- dep: node-spdx-license-ids
- List of SPDX license identifiers
- dep: node-sshpk
- library for finding and using SSH public keys
- dep: node-ssri (>= 8.0.0~)
- Utility for parsing, serializing, generating and verifying ssri metadata
- dep: node-string-decoder
- string_decoder module from Node core for browsers
- dep: node-string-width
- Get the visual width of a string
- dep: node-strip-ansi (>= 4.0~)
- Strip ANSI escape codes
- dep: node-supports-color
- Detect whether a terminal supports color in Node.js
- dep: node-tar (>= 4.4~)
- read and write portable tar archives module for Node.js
- dep: node-text-table
- borderless text tables with alignment
- dep: node-tunnel-agent
- HTTP proxy tunneling agent module for Node.js
- dep: node-tweetnacl
- Port of TweetNaCl cryptographic library to JavaScript
- dep: node-typedarray-to-buffer
- JavaScript utility converting TypedArray to buffer without copy
- dep: node-uri-js
- URI/IRI parsing/validating/resolving library
- dep: node-util-deprecate
- Node.js's `util.deprecate()` function with browser support
- dep: node-uuid
- simple and fast RFC4122 UUID generation - Node.js module
- dep: node-validate-npm-package-name
- Checks if a string is a valid npm package name
- dep: node-verror
- rich JavaScript errors
- dep: node-wcwidth.js
- wcwidth.js is a javascript porting of C's wcwidth()
- dep: node-which (>= 1.3~)
- Cross-platform 'which' module for Node.js
- dep: node-wide-align
- Wide-character aware text alignment function
- dep: node-wrappy
- Callback wrapping utility
- dep: node-write-file-atomic
- Write files in an atomic fashion w/configurable ownership
- dep: node-yallist
- Double linked list implementation for Node.js
- dep: nodejs (>= 10)
- evented I/O for V8 javascript - runtime executable
- rec: git
- Rychlý, škálovatelný, distribuovaný systém pro správu revizí
Download npm
Architecture | Package Size | Installed Size | Files |
all | 781.8 kB | 2,440.0 kB | [list of files] |