Pakiety oprogramowania w gałęzi "bookworm", Podsekcja gnome

accerciser (3.40.0-2)
Interaktywna przeglądarka dostępności napisana w Pythonie do środowiska GNOME
adwaita-icon-theme (43-1)
Domyślny motyw ikon do GNOME
adwaita-qt (1.4.2-3)
Qt 5 port of GNOME’s Adwaita theme
adwaita-qt6 (1.4.2-3)
Qt 6 port of GNOME’s Adwaita theme
alarm-clock-applet (0.4.1-3)
Panelowy indykator budzika
alarm-clock-applet-gconf-migration (0.4.1-3)
alarm clock panel indicator - gconf migration
almanah (0.12.3-2+b1)
Aplikacja ułatwiająca zarządzanie osobistym pamiętnikiem
anjuta (2:3.34.0-8)
Zintegrowane środowisko programistyczne do Gnome, obsługujące C/C++
apostrophe (2.6.3-4)
Distraction free Markdown editor
apwal (0.4.5-1.2)
Ruchoma, oparta na ikonach, przejrzysta aplikacja uruchamiająca programy
autokey-gtk (0.95.10-2.1)
Narzędzie do automatyzacji pulpitu - wersja GTK+
ayatana-indicator-application (22.2.0-1+b1)
Ayatana Applications Indicator (SNI provider)
ayatana-indicator-messages (22.9.0-1+b1)
Ayatana Indicator that collects messages that need a response
ayatana-indicator-power (22.9.5-1)
Ayatana Indicator showing power state
ayatana-indicator-session (22.9.1-1)
Ayatana Indicator showing session management, status and user switching
balsa (2.6.4-2)
Klient poczty elektronicznej do GNOME
balsa-data (2.6.4-2)
Klient poczty e-mail dla środowiska GNOME - pliki danych
baobab (43.0-1)
Analizator zużycia przestrzeni dyskowej do GNOME
bibledit (5.0.994-3)
Bible editor
bibledit-data (5.0.994-3)
Data for bibledit
bijiben (40.1-6)
intuitive note editor integrated with GNOME 3
blueprint-compiler (0.6.0-1)
Markup language for GTK user interface files
brasero (3.12.3-2)
Aplikacja do nagrywania CD/DVD w GNOME
brasero-cdrkit (3.12.3-2)
Rozszerzenia cdrkit do Brasero - aplikacji do nagrywania płyt
brasero-common (3.12.3-2)
Wspólne pliki dla aplikacji do nagrywania CD Brasero i biblioteki
buildstream (1.6.8-2)
toolset for the Buildstream project
burner-cdrkit (3.0.10-1.2)
cdrkit extensions for the Burner burning application
burner-common (3.0.10-1.2)
Common files for the Burner CD burning application and library
caribou (0.4.21-8)
Konfigurowalna klawiatura ekranowa z trybem skanowania
caribou-antler (0.4.21-8)
Konfigurowalna klawiatura ekranowa z trybem skanowania
cheese (43.0-1)
Narzędzie do robienia zdjęć oraz nagrywania filmików kamerą internetową
cheese-common (43.0-1)
Wspólne pliki do Cheese - narzędzia do robienia zdjęć i nagrywania filmów
chrome-gnome-shell (42.1-3)
GNOME Shell integration for browsers - transitional package
confy (0.6.3-2)
Conference schedule viewer written in Python
cups-pk-helper (0.2.6-1+b1)
Narzędzie pomocnicze PolicyKit do konfigurowania CUPS ze szczegółowymi uprawnieniami
dbus-test-runner (19.04.0-1)
Runs tests under a new DBus session
devilspie (0.23-2+b1)
Znajduje okna i wykonuje akcje na nich
devilspie2 (0.43-5)
Lua-based window matching utility
dmz-cursor-theme (0.4.5)
Neutralny, skalowalny motyw kursora myszy
education-desktop-gnome (2.12.15)
Aplikacje Debian Edu do pulpitu GNOME
eiciel (0.10.0-1)
graphical editor for POSIX ACLs and extended user attributes
endeavour (43.0-1)
minimalistic personal task manager designed to fit GNOME desktop
endeavour-common (43.0-1)
common files for Endeavour
eog (43.2-1)
Eye of GNOME - przeglądarka grafiki
eog-dev (43.2-1)
Pliki deweloperskie do programu Eye of GNOME
eog-plugin-disable-dark-theme (42.3-1)
Disable Dark Theme plugin for GNOME Image Viewer
eog-plugin-exif-display (42.3-1)
Exif Display plugin for GNOME Image Viewer
eog-plugin-export-to-folder (42.3-1)
Export to Folderplugin for GNOME Image Viewer
eog-plugin-fit-to-width (42.3-1)
Fit to Width plugin for GNOME Image Viewer
eog-plugin-fullscreen-background (42.3-1)
Fullscreen Background plugin for GNOME Image Viewer
eog-plugin-map (42.3-1)
Map plugin for GNOME Image Viewer
eog-plugin-maximize-windows (42.3-1)
Maximize Windows plugin for GNOME Image Viewer
eog-plugin-picasa (42.3-1)
Picasa plugin for GNOME Image Viewer
eog-plugin-python-console (42.3-1)
Python Console plugin for GNOME Image Viewer
eog-plugin-send-by-mail (42.3-1)
Send by Mail plugin for GNOME Image Viewer
eog-plugin-slideshow-shuffle (42.3-1)
Slideshow Shuffle plugin for GNOME Image Viewer
eog-plugins (42.3-1)
set of plugins for GNOME Image Viewer
eog-plugins-common (42.3-1)
common files for eog-plugins
epiphany-browser (43.1-1)
Intuicyjna przeglądarka internetowa do GNOME
epiphany-browser-data (43.1-1)
Pliki z danymi do przeglądarki internetowej GNOME
etherape (0.9.20-2)
graphical network monitor
etherape-data (0.9.20-2)
graphical network monitor (data files)
evince (43.1-2+b1)
Przeglądarka dokumentów (PostScript, PDF)
evince-common (43.1-2)
Przeglądarka dokumentów (PostScript, PDF) - pliki wspólne
evolution (3.46.4-2)
Zestaw narzędzi zawierający klienta pocztowego oraz organizer
evolution-common (3.46.4-2)
Niezależne od architektury pliki do Evolution
evolution-data-server (3.46.4-2)
Backend serwera bazy danych Evolution
evolution-data-server-common (3.46.4-2)
Niezależne od architektury pliki Evolution Data Server
evolution-data-server-tests (3.46.4-2)
Installed tests for the evolution database backend server
evolution-ews (3.46.4-1)
Exchange Web Services integration for Evolution
evolution-plugin-bogofilter (3.46.4-2)
standard plugins for Evolution (bogofilter)
evolution-plugin-pstimport (3.46.4-2)
standard plugins for Evolution (pstimport)
evolution-plugin-spamassassin (3.46.4-2)
standard plugins for Evolution (spamassassin)
evolution-plugins (3.46.4-2)
standard plugins for Evolution
evolution-plugins-experimental (3.46.4-2)
Eksperymentalne wtyczki do Evolution
exe-thumbnailer (1~icoextract-0.1.4-1)
transitional package to icoextract-thumbnailer
pakiet wirtualny udostępniany przez icoextract-thumbnailer
faenza-icon-theme (1.3.1-3)
Kolorowe ikony w kształcie kwadratu na komputery stacjonarne
file-roller (43.0-1)
Menedżer archiwów do GNOME
foliate (2.6.4-1+dfsg3)
simple and modern ebook viewer
ganyremote (8.1-2)
Frontend GTK+ do anyRemote
gaupol (1.11-1)
Edytor napisów bazujących na plikach tekstowych
gbonds (2.0.3-17)
U.S. Savings Bond inventory program for GNOME
gbonds-data (2.0.3-17)
GBonds data files
gcolor3 (2.4.0-2)
Simple GTK3 color selector and picker
gcr (3.41.1-1+b1)
Usługi kryptograficzne do GNOME (demon i narzędzia)
gdm3 (43.0-3)
Menedżer logowania GNOME
gedit (44.2-1)
popular text editor for the GNOME desktop environment
gedit-common (44.2-1)
popular text editor for the GNOME desktop environment (support files)
gedit-latex-plugin (3.20.0-2)
gedit plugin for composing and compiling LaTeX documents
gedit-plugin-bookmarks (44.1-2)
Bookmarks plugin for gedit
gedit-plugin-bracket-completion (44.1-2)
Bracket Completion plugin for gedit
gedit-plugin-character-map (44.1-2)
Character Map plugin for gedit
gedit-plugin-code-comment (44.1-2)
Code Comment plugin for gedit
gedit-plugin-color-picker (44.1-2)
Color Picker plugin for gedit
gedit-plugin-color-schemer (44.1-2)
Color Schemer plugin for gedit
gedit-plugin-draw-spaces (44.1-2)
Draw Spaces plugin for gedit
gedit-plugin-git (44.1-2)
Git plugin for gedit
gedit-plugin-join-lines (44.1-2)
Join/Split Lines plugin for gedit
gedit-plugin-multi-edit (44.1-2)
Multi Edit plugin for gedit
gedit-plugin-session-saver (44.1-2)
Session Saver plugin for gedit
gedit-plugin-smart-spaces (44.1-2)
Smart Spaces plugin for gedit
gedit-plugin-synctex (44.1-2)
SyncTex plugin for gedit
gedit-plugin-terminal (44.1-2)
Terminal plugin for gedit
gedit-plugin-text-size (44.1-2)
Text Size plugin for gedit
gedit-plugin-word-completion (44.1-2)
Word Completion plugin for gedit
gedit-plugins (44.1-2)
set of plugins for gedit
gedit-plugins-common (44.1-2)
common files for gedit-plugins
gedit-source-code-browser-plugin (3.0.3-6)
source code class and function browser plugin for Gedit
genius (1.0.27-1+b1)
Zaawansowany, uniwersalny kalkulator (interfejs dla CLI)
genius-common (1.0.27-1)
Zaawansowany, uniwersalny kalkulator (pliki wspólne)
ghemical (3.0.0-5+b2)
Środowisko modelowania molekularnego do GNOME
ghex (43.1-1)
Hex edytor plików dla GNOME
gi-docgen (2023.1+ds-2)
source code documentation tool using GObject-Introspection
gkbd-capplet (3.28.1-1)
GNOME control center tools for libgnomekbd
glabels (3.4.1-4)
Program do tworzenia etykiet, wizytówek i okładek na płyty w GNOME
glabels-data (3.4.1-4)
Pliki danych do programu gLabels
glom (1.30.4-7+b3)
database designer and user interface
glom-utils (1.30.4-7+b3)
Command-line utilities for Glom
gmanedit (0.4.2-8+b1)
GTK+ man pages editor
gniall (0.7.1-9)
Program próbujący naczuczyć się ludzkiego języka
gnome-accessibility-themes (3.28-2)
High Contrast GTK 2 theme and icons
gnome-activity-journal (1.0.0-3)
Graficzny interfejs użytkownika do Zeitgeist
gnome-applets (3.46.0-1+b1)
Various applets for the GNOME panel - binary files
gnome-applets-data (3.46.0-1)
Róźne aplety dla panelu GNOME - pliki danych
gnome-audio (2.22.2-1.2)
Pliki audio dla GNOME
gnome-backgrounds (43.1-1)
Zestaw tapet do pulpitu GNOME
gnome-bluetooth (42~3.34.5-10)
GNOME Bluetooth Send To app - transitional package
gnome-bluetooth-3-common (42.5-3)
GNOME Bluetooth 3 common files
gnome-bluetooth-common (3.34.5-10)
GNOME Bluetooth common files
gnome-bluetooth-sendto (42.5-3)
GNOME Bluetooth Send To app
gnome-boxes (43.2-1)
Simple GNOME app to access virtual systems
gnome-brave-icon-theme (5.5.1-2.1)
blue variation of the GNOME-Colors icon theme
gnome-browser-connector (42.1-3)
GNOME Shell extensions integration for web browsers
gnome-calendar (43.1-2)
Calendar application for GNOME
gnome-characters (43.1-1+deb12u1)
character map application
gnome-clocks (43.0-1)
Prosta aplikacja GNOME ze stoperem, minutnikiem i obsługą stref czasowych
gnome-color-manager (3.36.0-1+b1)
Zintegrowane zarządzanie kolorami do GNOME
gnome-colors (5.5.1-2.1)
Zestaw motywów z ikonami do GNOME
gnome-colors-common (5.5.1-2.1)
Wspólne ikony do wszystkich motywów z ikonami GNOME-Colors
gnome-commander (1.16.0-1)
Szybki i przyjemny w użyciu menedżer plików dla pulpitu GNOME
gnome-commander-data (1.16.0-1)
Pliki danych do GNOME Commander
gnome-common (3.18.0-4)
Skrypty i makra dla programistów GNOME
gnome-connections (43.0-1)
Simple GNOME app to access remote computers
gnome-console (43.0-2)
Simple user-friendly terminal emulator for the GNOME desktop
gnome-contacts (43.1-1)
Menedżer kontaktów dla GNOME
gnome-control-center (1:43.6-2~deb12u1)
Narzędzia do konfiguracji pulpitu GNOME
gnome-control-center-data (1:43.6-2~deb12u1)
Aplety konfiguracyjne do GNOME - pliki danych
gnome-desktop-3-tests (43.2-2)
Installed test files for GNOME desktop
gnome-desktop-testing (2021.1-3)
runner for GNOME installed tests
gnome-desktop3-data (43.2-2)
Wspólne pliki do aplikacji środowiska GNOME
gnome-dictionary (40.0-3)
Aplikacja słownika GNOME
gnome-dust-icon-theme (5.5.1-2.1)
chocolate variation of the GNOME-Colors icon theme
gnome-epub-thumbnailer (1.7-3)
thumbnailer for EPub and MOBI books
gnome-extra-icons (1.1-3.1)
Dodatkowe ikony dla GNOME
gnome-feeds (0.16.2+dfsg1-3)
RSS/Atom feed reader for GNOME
gnome-firmware (43.2-1)
GTK front end for fwupd
gnome-flashback (3.46.0-1)
helper application for the GNOME Flashback session
gnome-flashback-common (3.46.0-1)
GNOME Flashback helper application - common data files
gnome-font-viewer (43.0-1)
Przeglądarka czcionek do GNOME
gnome-genius (1.0.27-1+b1)
advanced general purpose calculator program (GNOME frontend)
gnome-gmail (3.6-1)
transitional package
gnome-human-icon-theme (5.5.1-2.1)
orange variation of the GNOME-Colors icon theme
gnome-hwp-support (0.2.0-1)
HWP document integration for GNOME desktop
gnome-icon-theme (3.12.0-5)
This package contains the default icon theme used by the GNOME
gnome-icon-theme-gartoon (0.5-5)
Gartoon icon theme for GTK+
gnome-icon-theme-nuovo (0.5-4.2)
Dropline Nuovo icon theme
gnome-icon-theme-suede (0.2.5-3)
Suede GTK+ icon theme
gnome-icon-theme-yasis (0.4.2-1.2)
YASIS (Yet Another Scalable Icon Set)
gnome-illustrious-icon-theme (5.5.1-2.1)
pink variation of the GNOME-Colors icon theme
gnome-initial-setup (43.2-6)
Initial GNOME system setup helper
gnome-keyring (42.1-1+b2 [amd64, arm64, armel, armhf, i386, mips64el, mipsel, ppc64el], 42.1-1+b1 [s390x])
Obsługa bazy kluczy GNOME (demon i narzędzia)
gnome-logs (43.0-1)
viewer for the systemd journal
gnome-maps (43.5-2~deb12u1)
map application for GNOME
gnome-menus (3.36.0-1.1)
Implementacja GNOME specyfikacji menu z freedesktop
gnome-mousetrap (3.17.3-9)
Sterowanie myszką za pomocą ruchów głowy
gnome-music (42.1-1)
Music is the new GNOME music playing application
gnome-nds-thumbnailer (3.0.0-2+b1)
Nintendo DS roms thumbnailer for GNOME
gnome-nettool (42.0-1)
Sieciowe narzędzie informacyjne do GNOME
gnome-network-displays (0.90.5-3)
miracast application for the GNOME desktop
gnome-noble-icon-theme (5.5.1-2.1)
purple variation of the GNOME-Colors icon theme
gnome-online-accounts (3.46.0-1)
Usługa do zarządzania kontami internetowymi w środowisku GNOME
gnome-package-updater (43.0-1)
Software package updater for GNOME
gnome-packagekit (43.0-1)
Graphical distribution neutral package manager for GNOME
gnome-packagekit-common (43.0-1)
Common data files for GNOME PackageKit
gnome-panel (3.46.0-1+b1)
traditional panel, used in GNOME Flashback
gnome-panel-data (3.46.0-1)
common files for GNOME Panel
gnome-pass-search-provider (0.0~20191115+da2db41-1.1)
GNOME Shell search provider for the pass password manager
gnome-passwordsafe (7.2-1)
transitional package for secrets
gnome-photos (43.0-2)
application to access, organize and share your photos with GNOME
gnome-photos-tests (43.0-2)
app to access, organize and share your photos - installed tests
gnome-pie (0.7.3-1)
visual application launcher for GNOME
gnome-power-manager (43.0-1)
Narzędzie zarządzania energią do środowiska GNOME
gnome-remote-desktop (43.3-1)
Remote desktop daemon for GNOME using PipeWire
gnome-screensaver (3.6.1-13+b2)
Screensaver and screen lock formerly used in GNOME
gnome-screensaver-flags (0.1-1.1)
Screensaver for GNOME with flags of the world.
gnome-screenshot (41.0-2)
Aplikacja do GNOME robiąca zrzuty ekranu
gnome-session (43.0-1+deb12u1)
Menedżer sesji GNOME - sesja GNOME 3
gnome-session-bin (43.0-1+deb12u1)
GNOME Session Manager - minimum uruchomieniowe
gnome-session-canberra (0.30-10)
Zdarzenia dźwiękowe logowania i wylogowywania z sesji GNOME
gnome-session-common (43.0-1+deb12u1)
Menadżer sesji GNOME - pliki współdzielone
gnome-session-flashback (3.46.0-1)
traditional desktop session based on GNOME technologies
gnome-settings-daemon (43.0-4)
Demon obsługujący ustawienia sesji GNOME
gnome-settings-daemon-common (43.0-4)
daemon handling the GNOME session settings - common files
gnome-shell (43.9-0+deb12u2) [security]
Powłoka graficzna do środowiska GNOME
gnome-shell-common (43.9-0+deb12u2) [security]
Pliki wspólne do graficznej powłoki środowiska GNOME
gnome-shell-extension-appindicator (46-1)
AppIndicator, KStatusNotifierItem and tray support for GNOME Shell
gnome-shell-extension-arc-menu (49+forkv29-3)
shell extension designed to replace the standard menu found in GNOME
gnome-shell-extension-autohidetopbar (1:111-1)
GNOME shell automatic topbar hider
gnome-shell-extension-bluetooth-quick-connect (33-1)
GNOME Shell extension to connect paired Bluetooth devices
gnome-shell-extension-caffeine (44-2)
GNOME Shell extension to keep your computer awake
gnome-shell-extension-dash-to-panel (52-1)
combines the dash and the GNOME main panel into a single panel
gnome-shell-extension-dashtodock (75-1)
dash-to-dock extension for GNOME shell
gnome-shell-extension-desktop-icons-ng (46+really47.0.2-2)
desktop icon support for GNOME Shell
gnome-shell-extension-easyscreencast (1.7.0-2)
GNOME Shell extension to simplify video recording
gnome-shell-extension-espresso (7-2)
GNOME Shell extension to keep your computer awake
gnome-shell-extension-flypie (17-1)
innovative marking menu via keyboard shortcuts
gnome-shell-extension-freon (50+dfsg-1)
GNOME Shell Extension for Sensors
gnome-shell-extension-gamemode (8-2)
gnome-shell extension that monitors the current status of gamemode
gnome-shell-extension-gpaste (43.1-3)
GPaste extension for GNOME Shell
gnome-shell-extension-gsconnect (54-2)
KDE Connect implementation for GNOME Shell
gnome-shell-extension-gsconnect-browsers (54-2)
Browser support of KDE Connect implementation for GNOME Shell
gnome-shell-extension-hamster (0.10.0+git20210628-4)
GNOME Shell extension for the Hamster Time Tracker
gnome-shell-extension-hard-disk-led (33-1)
Shows harddisk activity (IO speed read/write and LED) in GNOME Shell
gnome-shell-extension-hide-activities (43-1)
GNOME shell extension that hides the activities button
gnome-shell-extension-impatience (0.4.8-2)
speed up the gnome-shell animation speed
gnome-shell-extension-kimpanel (0.0~git20220902.c11f1a6-1)
KDE kimpanel protocol extension for GNOME shell
gnome-shell-extension-manager (0.4.0-1)
Utility for managing GNOME Shell Extensions
gnome-shell-extension-no-annoyance (0+20220925-c6804a4-3)
removes GNOME 'Window is ready' notifications (v2)
gnome-shell-extension-panel-osd (1.0.50.gc032923-3)
Configure the place where notifications are shown
gnome-shell-extension-pixelsaver (1.30-1)
pixel saver extension for GNOME shell
gnome-shell-extension-prefs (43.9-0+deb12u2) [security]
tool to enable / disable GNOME Shell extensions
gnome-shell-extension-runcat (21-1)
desktop icon for showing CPU usage with cats
gnome-shell-extension-shortcuts (1.3.6-1)
Creates a shortcuts help pop-up in GNOME Shell
gnome-shell-extension-system-monitor (40-5)
Display system information in GNOME Shell status bar
gnome-shell-extension-tiling-assistant (39-1)
extension which adds a Windows-like snap assist to GNOME Shell
gnome-shell-extension-top-icons-plus (27-8)
GNOME Shell extension to move system tray icons to top bar
gnome-shell-extension-vertical-overview (10-1)
GNOME shell extension for vertical stacked workspaces
gnome-shell-extension-weather (119-1)
weather extension for GNOME Shell
gnome-shell-extensions (43.1-1)
Rozszerzenia zwiększające funkcjonalność powłoki GNOME
gnome-shell-extensions-extra (20230205-2)
Conglomeration package of GNOME Shell extensions
gnome-shell-mailnag (40.0-4)
mail notification extension for GNOME Shell
gnome-shell-pomodoro (0.22.1-1)
GNOME Shell time-management app
gnome-shell-pomodoro-data (0.22.1-1)
Data for GNOME Shell time-management app
gnome-software (43.5-1~deb12u1)
Software Center for GNOME
gnome-software-common (43.5-1~deb12u1)
Software Center for GNOME (common files)
gnome-software-plugin-flatpak (43.5-1~deb12u1)
Flatpak support for GNOME Software
gnome-software-plugin-snap (43.5-1~deb12u1)
Snap support for GNOME Software
gnome-sound-recorder (43~beta-1)
simple and modern sound recorder for GNOME
gnome-split (1.2-4)
GNOME Split - File splitter for GNOME desktop
gnome-subtitles (1.8-1)
Edytor napisów do środowiska GNOME
gnome-sushi (43.0-2)
sushi is a quick previewer for nautilus
gnome-system-log (3.9.90-8)
Przeglądarka dzienników systemowych do GNOME
gnome-system-monitor (42.0-2)
Przeglądarka procesów i monitor zasobów systemowych do GNOME
gnome-system-tools (3.0.0-9.1)
Cross-platform configuration utilities
gnome-terminal (3.46.8-1)
Aplikacja emulatora terminala GNOME
gnome-terminal-data (3.46.8-1)
Pliki danych dla emulatora terminala GNOME
gnome-text-editor (43.2-1)
simple text editor for GNOME
gnome-theme-gilouche (11.1.2-4)
Motyw Gilouche z openSUSE
gnome-themes-extra (3.28-2)
Adwaita GTK 2 theme — engine
gnome-themes-extra-data (3.28-2)
Adwaita GTK 2 theme and Adwaita-dark GTK 3 theme — common files
gnome-todo (43.0-1)
minimalistic personal task manager - transitional package
gnome-tweaks (42~beta-4)
Narzędzie do ustawiania dodatkowych opcji konfiguracyjnych GNOME
gnome-usage (3.38.1-3)
simple system monitor app for GNOME
gnome-user-share (43.0-1)
User level public file sharing via WebDAV
gnome-video-arcade (0.8.8-5+b1)
Simple MAME frontend
gnome-video-effects (0.5.0-1)
Zbiór efektów do GStreamera
gnome-video-effects-frei0r (0.5.0-1)
GNOME Video Effects - frei0r plugins
gnome-weather (43.0-1)
access current conditions and forecasts
gnome-wine-icon-theme (5.5.1-2.1)
Czerwony wariant zestawu ikon GNOME-Colors
gnome-wise-icon-theme (5.5.1-2.1)
green variation of the GNOME-Colors icon theme
gnomekiss (2.0-6.1+b1)
KiSS paper doll viewer for GNOME
gnomint (1.3.0-4+b1)
X.509 Certification Authority management tool for GNOME
gnote (43.1-1)
Program do tworzenia notatek na pulpicie, używający odnośników w stylu Wiki
gnucash (1:4.13-1)
Program do zarządzania sprawami finansowo-księgowymi dla osób prywatnych i małych firm
gnucash-common (1:4.13-1)
Pliki wspólne do finansowo-księgowego oprogramowania GnuCash
goobox (3.6.0-11)
CD player and ripper with GNOME 3 integration
gourmand (1.1.0+really1.1.0~rc3-3)
Recipe organizer and shopping list generator
gourmet (1.1.0+really1.1.0~rc3-3)
transitionnal package to install gourmand
gparted (1.3.1-1)
Edytor partycji dla GNOME
gparted-common (1.3.1-1)
GNOME partition editor -- common data
gpaste-2 (43.1-3)
Clipboard management system for GNOME
gramps (5.1.5-1)
Genealogical research program
growl-for-linux (0.8.5-9)
Pluggable notification system which supports GNTP
gsettings-desktop-schemas (43.0-1)
Wzorce GSettings do całego środowiska graficznego
gsettings-desktop-schemas-dev (43.0-1)
Development files for GSettings desktop-wide schemas
gsound-tools (1.0.3-2)
small library for playing system sounds (tools)
gtg (0.6-2)
organizer for the GNOME desktop environment
gthumb (3:3.12.2-3+b1)
Przeglądarka obrazów
gthumb-data (3:3.12.2-3)
image viewer and browser - arch-independent files
gtk-doc-tools (1.33.2-1)
Narzędzia dokumentacji GTK+
gtk-vector-screenshot (0.3.3-2)
Renderowanie zrzutów aplikacji do formatu PDF lub SVG
gtk2-engines (1:2.20.2-5+b1)
Silniki motywów do GTK+ 2.x
gtk2-engines-oxygen (1.4.6-1.1+b1)
Motyw widżetu Oxygen dla aplikacji opartych na GTK+
gtk2-engines-qtcurve (1.9-7+b6)
QtCurve widget style for applications based on GTK+ 2.x
gtranslator (42.0-1)
Edytor plików PO do środowiska graficznego GNOME
guake-indicator (1.4.5-2)
Guake terminal app indicator
gucharmap (1:15.0.2-1)
Narzędzie do wybierania znaków Unikodu oraz przeglądania fontów
gvfs-backends (1.50.3-1)
Wirtualny system plików w przestrzeni użytkownika - backendy
gvfs-fuse (1.50.3-1)
Wirtualny system plików w przestrzeni użytkownika - serwer FUSE
gwaei (3.6.2-9+b1)
Japanese-English Dictionary for GNOME
gxmessage (3.4.3-1+b2)
Klon xmessage oparty na GTK+
hamster-time-tracker (3.0.2-4)
time tracking application for GNOME
hdate-applet (0.15.11-4)
Aplet hebrajskiego kalendarza
homebank (5.6.2-1)
Manage your personal accounts at home
homebank-data (5.6.2-1)
Data files for homebank
indicator-sensors (1.3-1)
Hardware sensors indicator
ipwatchd-gnotify (1.0.1-1+b3)
Gnome notification tool for IPwatchD
kgx (43.0-2)
Simple terminal emulator (transitional package)
kylin-burner (3.0.10-1.2)
CD/DVD burning application for UKUI
langdrill (0.3-8)
language drills to test vocabulary
libgdl-3-common (3.40.0-1)
GNOME DevTool libraries - common files
libgsf-bin (1.14.50-1)
Structured File Library - programy
liblibreofficekitgtk (4:7.4.7-1+deb12u2) [security]
GTK3 widget wrapping LibreOffice functionality
libreoffice-evolution (4:7.4.7-1+deb12u2) [security]
Pakiet oprogramowania biurowego - obsługa książki adresowej Evolution
libreoffice-gnome (4:7.4.7-1+deb12u2) [security]
office productivity suite -- GNOME integration
libreoffice-gtk3 (4:7.4.7-1+deb12u2) [security]
office productivity suite -- GTK+ 3 integration
libunity-scopes-json-def-desktop (7.1.4+19.04.20190319-6)
binding to get places into the launcher - desktop def file
libunity-scopes-json-def-phone (7.1.4+19.04.20190319-6)
binding to get scopes into the launcher - phone def file
lifeograph (2.0.3-1)
Private digital diary
liferea (1.14.4-3)
feed/news/podcast client with plugin support
liferea-data (1.14.4-3)
architecture independent data for liferea
lightdm-settings (1.6.1-1)
LightDM Settings Configuration Tool
lollypop (1.4.37-1)
modern music player
lomiri-app-launch (0.1.6-1)
User space daemon for launching applications
lomiri-app-launch-tools (0.1.6-1)
Tools for working wtih launched applications
lomiri-url-dispatcher (0.1.2-1)
Lomiri Operating Environment service for requesting URLs to be opened
lomiri-url-dispatcher-testability (0.1.2-1)
Fake Lomiri URL Dispatcher for use in testing
lomiri-url-dispatcher-tools (0.1.2-1)
Tools for working with the Lomiri URL Dispatcher
lomiri-url-dispatcher-tools-gui (0.1.2-1)
GUI tools for working with the Lomiri URL Dispatcher
mallard-rng (1.1.0-1)
Mallard RELAX NG Schemas
meld (3.22.0-2)
graphical tool to diff and merge files
mint-y-icons (1.6.5-1)
Mint-Y icon theme
mousetweaks (3.32.0-4)
Udoskonalenia dotyczące dostępności myszki w środowisku GNOME
nautilus (43.2-1)
Menedżer plików i graficzna powłoka do GNOME
nautilus-admin (1.1.9-3.3)
Extension for Nautilus to do administrative operations
nautilus-data (43.2-1)
Pliki danych dla Nautilusa
nautilus-dropbox (2019.02.14-1.2) [non-free]
Dropbox integration for Nautilus
nautilus-extension-gnome-terminal (3.46.8-1)
GNOME terminal emulator application - Nautilus extension
nautilus-hide (0.2.3-8.1)
Extension for Nautilus to hide files without renaming them
nautilus-image-converter (0.4.0-2)
Rozszerzenie Nautilusa do masowej zmiany wymiarów i obracania obrazów
nautilus-nextcloud (3.7.3-1+deb12u1)
Nextcloud integration for Nautilus
nautilus-owncloud (
ownCloud integration for Nautilus
nautilus-share (0.7.5-0.3)
Rozszerzenie Nautilusa do udostępniania folderów przez Sambę
nemo-fileroller (5.6.1-1)
File Roller integration for Nemo
nemo-font-manager (0.8.8-2)
Nemo extension for Font Manager
network-manager-gnome (1.30.0-2)
Szkielet zarządzania siecią (nakładka do GNOME)
nuntius (0.2.0-5+b2 [amd64], 0.2.0-5+b1 [arm64, armel, armhf, i386, mips64el, mipsel, ppc64el, s390x])
share notifications from Android phone or tablet via Bluetooth or LAN
onboard (1.4.1-5+b7)
Prosta klawiatura ekranowa
onboard-common (1.4.1-5)
Simple On-screen Keyboard (common files)
onboard-data (1.4.1-5)
Language model files for the word suggestion feature of Onboard
ooo-thumbnailer (0.2-6)
thumbnailer for documents
openpaperwork-core (2.1.1-1)
OpenPaperwork plugins manager - core plugins manager
openpaperwork-gtk (2.1.1-1)
OpenPaperwork Glib/GTK plugins manager
orca (43.1-1)
Czytnik ekranu z obsługą skryptów
oregano (0.84.41+dfsg.1-1.1)
tool for schematical capture of electronic circuits
package-update-indicator (8-2)
Program powiadamiający o dostępnych aktualizacjach oprogramowania
paperwork-backend (2.1.1-1)
Personal document manager
paperwork-gtk (2.1.1-1)
Paperwork is a personal document manager - GTK3 frontend
passes-gtk (0.7-2)
GTK-based digital pass manager
pinhole (0.1.0+git20221220-1)
Simple camera application for the GNOME desktop
pithos (1.1.2-1.1)
Pandora Radio client for the GNOME desktop
pitivi (2022.06-1+b1)
Nieliniowy edytor audio/wideo używający GStreamera
planner (0.14.91-2)
Aplikacja do zarządzania projektami
planner-data (0.14.91-2)
Data files for planner
polari (43.0-1)
Internet Relay Chat (IRC) client
policykit-1-gnome (0.105-8)
Agent uwierzytelniający do PolicyKit
portfolio-filemanager (0.9.14-1)
Minimalist file manager for Linux mobile devices
powersupply-gtk (0.8.0-2)
Graphical power status tool for Linux mobile devices
remmina-common (1.4.29+dfsg-1)
Common files for Remmina
remmina-dev (1.4.29+dfsg-1)
Headers for Remmina
remmina-plugin-rdp (1.4.29+dfsg-1)
RDP plugin for Remmina
remmina-plugin-vnc (1.4.29+dfsg-1)
VNC plugin for Remmina
revelation (0.5.5-1)
GNOME3 Password manager
rhythmbox (3.4.6-2+b1)
odtwarzacz muzyki dla GNOME
rhythmbox-data (3.4.6-2)
Pliki z danymi do Rhythmbox
rhythmbox-plugin-cdrecorder (3.4.6-2+b1)
Wtyczka do nagrywania nośników do odtwarzacza audio Rhythmbox
rhythmbox-plugins (3.4.6-2+b1)
plugins for rhythmbox music player
screenruler (1.2-3)
measure objects on screen with a variety of metrics
seahorse (43.0-1)
Interfejs GNOME do programu GnuPG
seahorse-daemon (3.12.2-7)
Seahorse pass phrase caching agent
seahorse-nautilus (3.11.92+git20230129.d59dc92f-1)
Nautilus extension for Seahorse integration
secrets (7.2-1)
Manage your passwords
sensors-applet (3.0.0+git6-0.5+b1)
Display readings from hardware sensors in your Gnome panel
shiki-brave-theme (4.6-2.1)
Niebieski wariant motywu Shiki-Colors
shiki-colors (4.6-2.1)
Zestaw motywów Metacity/GTK-2+
shiki-colors-metacity-theme (4.6-2.1)
Zestaw motywów do Metacity
shiki-dust-theme (4.6-2.1)
Czekoladowy wariant motywu Shiki-Colors
shiki-human-theme (4.6-2.1)
Pomarańczowy wariant motywu Shiki-Colors
shiki-illustrious-theme (4.6-2.1)
Różowy wariant motywu Shiki-Colors
shiki-noble-theme (4.6-2.1)
Purpurowy wariant motywu Shiki-Colors
shiki-wine-theme (4.6-2.1)
Czerwony wariant motywu Shiki-Colors
shiki-wise-theme (4.6-2.1)
Zielony wariant motywu Shiki-Colors
shotwell (0.30.17-1+b1)
Organizer zdjęć cyfrowych
shotwell-common (0.30.17-1)
digital photo organizer - common files
signon-ui-service (0.17+16.04.20151125-1)
D-Bus service file for signon-ui
signon-ui-x11 (0.17+16.04.20151125-1)
Single Sign-on UI
simple-scan (42.5-2)
Proste narzędzie do skanowania
solaar-gnome3 (1.1.8+dfsg-2)
GNOME Shell integration for Solaar (transitional package)
solfege (3.23.4-11)
Ear training software
solfege-oss (3.23.4-11)
Ear training software - OSS support module
sound-juicer (3.38.0-2.1)
Program do GNOME zgrywający płyty CD (CD Ripper)
soundconverter (4.0.3-2)
Aplikacja GNOME do konwertowania plików audio na inne formaty
ssh-askpass-gnome (1:9.2p1-2+deb12u2)
interactive X program to prompt users for a passphrase for ssh-add
subtitleeditor (0.54.0-6)
Graphical subtitle editor with sound waves representation
suru-icon-theme (20.05.1-3)
Suru icon theme for Lomiri Operating Environment
switcheroo-control (2.6-1+b1)
D-Bus service to check the availability of dual-GPU
system-config-printer (1.5.18-1)
Graficzny interfejs do konfiguracji systemu druku
system-config-printer-common (1.5.18-1)
backend and the translation files for system-config-printer
system-config-printer-udev (1.5.18-1)
Narzędzia do automatycznego wykrywania i konfigurowania drukarek
tamil-gtk2im (2.2-6+b1)
Tamil input method for GTK-2.0
teg (0.12.0-2)
Turowa gra strategiczna
telegnome (0.3.6-4)
graphical teletext viewer
tilix (1.9.5-2)
Tiling terminal emulator for GNOME
tilix-common (1.9.5-2)
Tiling terminal emulator - data files
ukui-themes (3.0.3-1)
Official themes for the UKUI desktop
unity-scopes-runner (7.1.4+19.04.20190319-6)
desktop runner for misceallenous scopes
verbiste-gnome (0.1.47-1+b1)
Francuski i włoski system koniugacyjny - interfejs GNOME
verbiste-gtk (0.1.47-1+b1)
French and Italian conjugator - GTK app
vinagre (3.22.0-8.1)
Klient zdalnego pulpitu do GNOME
vino (3.22.0-6)
Serwer VNC dla GNOME
webp-pixbuf-loader (0.2.1-1)
WebP Image format GdkPixbuf loader
widemargin (1.1.13-3.1)
bible reading and study application
wike (1.8.2-1)
Wikipedia reader for the GNOME Desktop
winwrangler (0.2.4-5+b2)
Daemon for manipulating windows (tiled layout, etc.)
workrave (1.10.50-3)
Narzędzie do zapobiegania urazom związanym z powtarzającym się obciążeniem
workrave-ayatana (1.10.50-3)
Repetitive Strain Injury prevention tool (Ayatana Indicator)
workrave-cinnamon (1.10.50-3)
Repetitive Strain Injury prevention tool (Cinnamon integration)
workrave-data (1.10.50-3)
Repetitive Strain Injury prevention tool (data files)
workrave-gnome (1.10.50-3)
Repetitive Strain Injury prevention tool (GNOME integration)
workrave-gnome-flashback (1.10.50-3)
Repetitive Strain Injury prevention tool (GNOME panel applet)
workrave-mate (1.10.50-3)
Repetitive Strain Injury prevention tool (MATE panel applet)
workrave-xfce4 (1.10.50-3)
Repetitive Strain Injury prevention tool (Xfce4 panel plugin)
xdg-desktop-portal-gnome (43.1-2)
GNOME portal backend for xdg-desktop-portal
xdg-desktop-portal-gtk (1.14.1-1)
GTK+/GNOME portal backend for xdg-desktop-portal
xiphos (4.2.1+dfsg1-7)
environment for Bible reading, study, and research
xiphos-data (4.2.1+dfsg1-7)
data files for Xiphos Bible study software
yelp (42.2-1)
Przeglądarka plików pomocy do GNOME
yelp-tools (42.1-2)
Yelp documentation tools
yelp-xsl (42.1-2)
XSL stylesheets for the yelp help browser
zenity (3.44.0-1)
Wyświetlanie graficznych okien dialogowych ze skryptów powłoki
zenity-common (3.44.0-1)
Wyświetlanie graficznych okien dialogowych ze skryptów powłoki (pliki wspólne)